Calibrating Stretched Transparency Video


In the project, we explore some of the logic, processes, and tools, processes, and tools that those in power will use to support decision-making in large-scale techno-political climate projects like geoengineering - the (re)engineering of the global climate. We collaborated with two typical decision support tools to create this work - artificial intelligence(AI) and maps - both of which are historically tools embedded with biases rooted in privilege and power.

Our project seeks to put into question the biases that these tools hold, how they manifest, and how they influence our view of the world.

Deisinger, W., Hodgson, S J., Millar, J., Rodier, C. (2022). “Calibrating Stretched Transparency.” [Visual Artwork]. Video exhibited at the University of Ottawa’s Kanata North Campus in Kanata April-May 2022.